Female Journalist Beaten Up in Nangarhar By Taliban, Say Sources

Saturday, 07/23/2022

Local sources in Nangarhar province report that Taliban officials severely beat up a female journalist, Selgai Ehsas, on Friday.

The Taliban officials also threatened her and asked her to quit her job. Sources said that the Taliban confiscated her smartphone.

Taliban's beating rendered Selgai unconscious and she was transferred to a hospital with the help of the local residents.

It has been said that the Taliban had warned Selgai’s family that she can’t continue her job as a journalist. However, local sources said that the journalist had no other option, but to continue her job due to economic challenges.

International journalist defender organizations have often expressed concerns over severe restrictions on freedom of speech and free media under the Taliban regime.

In the latest case, UNAMA in a report of the last ten months under Taliban’s rule said that after Taliban’s takeover, media personnel have been restricted in their activity.

Free Speech Hub in March announced that after the Taliban’s takeover, all democratic structures, specially freedom of speech, have suffered a severe blow.

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