Afghanistan National Movement for Peace and Justice Formed

Saturday, 10/15/2022

Afghanistan National Movement for Peace and Justice (ANMPJ) is the latest political group that announced its formation on Saturday.

The ANMPJ claims to have brought together hundreds of Afghan political figures from all ethnicities and political backgrounds.

Several officials of the previous government including former foreign minister, Hanif Atmar, and former intelligence chief Masoom Stanekzai are among the founders of the Afghanistan National Movement for Peace and Justice.

There are many other political groups that have formed over the past year. The Supreme Council of National Resistance for the Salvation of Afghanistan is another prominent group.

Former Balkh governor Atta Mohammad Noor; former vice-president Marshal Abdul Rashid Dostum; Hazara leader Mohammad Mohaqiq; anti-Taliban Jihadi leader Abdul Rab Rasool Sayyaf; former speaker of Afghan Lower House of Parliament Mir Rahman Rahmani; former Foreign Minister Salahuddin Rabbani; jihadi leader Ismail Khan and some other political figures of Afghanistan are some members of the group.

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