After Over A Year School Ban, Girls Asked To Attend 12th Grade Exams in Afghanistan

Monday, 12/05/2022

The Taliban’s ministry of education will hold an exam for Afghan girls of the 12th grade on Wednesday.

Sources said that the exam will be similar to the university entrance exam, but the questions will be chosen from 12th-grade subjects.

The new development with schoolgirls in 12th grade happens as the Taliban has closed schools for girls in secondary and higher education since August 2021.

Afghanistan International sources said that female students have been asked to contact their schools on Monday to register for the exam along with a photograph, ID card, and 600 Afghanis fees.

A teacher from Kabul said that students have been asked to show up in schools with the strict hijab required by the Taliban, otherwise they will not be allowed to take the exam.

After entering Kabul on August 15, 2021, the Taliban prevented the reopening of girls' schools in Afghanistan.

In the past 440 days, this group refused to accept domestic and international requests to open the gates of girls' schools.

The students in 12th grade are asked to attend the exam, while they have not been able to study the 12th grade or attend classes in the past one year in Afghanistan.

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