State Department Continues to Mislead Public on Failed Afghanistan Withdrawal, Says McCaul

Thursday, 03/16/2023

In a scathing attack on the US Department of State, US House Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Michael McCaul stated that the department is misleading the American people regarding the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

McCaul stated that the State Department has failed to comply with the committee’s investigation and is not replying to the committee’s document requests.

“The State Department continues to obstruct my committee’s investigation into the Afghanistan withdrawal and we will not tolerate it. The American people deserve answers on the catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal,” he said.

He added that he is prepared to issue a subpoena in the event the State Department fails to cooperate with the committee’s document request.

The chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Michael McCaul, has launched an investigation over the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. On March 8, Chairman McCaul held a hearing examining the administration’s disastrous emergency evacuation from Afghanistan. Then, US State Department spokesperson Ned Price had said that the department was fully cooperating with the investigation.

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