Taliban’s Supreme Court Announces Punishment of 2 People in Parwan

Wednesday, 05/10/2023

The Taliban’s Supreme Court announced that the group’s court in Parwan province had sentenced two people accused of "running away from home" in Jabal Seraj city.

The court has not specified the nature of the punishment in the statement which it issued on Wednesday.

However, in the past, the group has flogged Afghans accused of running away from home.

Recently, Abdul Malik Haqqani, the deputy chief justice at the Taliban’s Supreme Court, announced that since taking power in Afghanistan, the group had sentenced hundreds of people to “Qisas [retribution] and stoning”.

Haqqani said that the Taliban has ordered the execution of 175 people and the stoning of 37 people throughout Afghanistan since taking power of the country. He emphasised that the courts of this group have ordered four people to be put under the wall and Sharia laws have been implemented on 103 other people.

Over the past few months, the Taliban has arrested and tortured dozens of people on morality charges and extramarital affairs, including adultery. During this time, the Taliban have flogged many people in public.

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