Inclusive Political Process Needed For Peace & Stability In Afghanistan, Says EU Rep In UN

Wednesday, 09/13/2023

Lotte Knudsen, Head of Delegation of the EU to the UN, said that to ensure peace and stability in Afghanistan, an inclusive political process with the participation of all Afghans, including women and ethnic and religious minorities, is necessary.

Knudsen also asked the Taliban to end human rights violations.

At the meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday, she called on the Taliban to erode policies that lead to the exclusion of women from the social, economic and civil spheres.

Knudsen stressed that ensuring peace and stability in Afghanistan depends on an inclusive political process with the participation of all Afghans, including women, ethnic and religious minorities, as well as the LGBT community.

Knudsen also called for the accountability of the group regarding repeated violations of human rights "necessary".

The international community and regional countries have always asked the Taliban to agree to the formation of an inclusive government, but the Taliban has not yet complied to the international demands.

The United Nations Human Rights Council started its 54th session on Monday. A major part of the speeches on the first day of this summit had been devoted to the situation in Afghanistan.

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