Taliban Arrests Afghan Female Protester Neda Parwani In Kabul

Neda Parwani, an Afghan female protester, along with her husband and child have been arrested by the Taliban, according to local sources.
The sources told Afghanistan International that Taliban members arrested Parwani and her family members on Tuesday from her house in Khair Khana area of Kabul.
Zholia Parsi, the leader of a protest movement, told Afghanistan International that the Taliban fighters first arrested Arash Parwani, the husband of Neda Parwani, and then, detained her and transferred them to unknown location.
The Taliban have not reacted to the arrest of the Parwani family yet.
Parwani is a member "Afghanistan's Spontaneous Protest Movement" which has repeatedly held protests against the Taliban's restrictions on women.
This protest group is among several similar groups which have emerged in response to the Taliban's strict policies against women in Afghanistan.
Over the past two years, the Taliban has imposed strict restrictions on Afghan women. These restrictions include preventing Afghan girls and women from right to education and work and access to public spaces across Afghanistan.
Women's protest movements have staged numerous demonstrations over the past two years to oppose the exclusion of women from social life.
On the other hand, during this period, the Taliban has repeatedly suppressed the gathering of women protesters and arrested and beaten up women activists.