Taliban Is Far From Getting International Recognition, Says White House Spox

Tuesday, 09/19/2023

John Kirby, the Spokesperson for the US National Security Council on Monday, told Afghanistan International that the US’ policy towards the Taliban has not changed.

Kirby stressed that the Taliban is heading in the direction contrary to the international community's demands and is far from gaining international legitimacy.

During a press conference in New York, Kirby added that the Taliban is acting contrary to its commitments regarding governance and its treatment of women and girls in Afghanistan.

He added that not only have they not fulfilled these commitments, but they have also taken the opposite path.

Kirby stressed that in this situation, Washington has no intention to recognise the Taliban government.

Despite the persistent efforts of the US to encourage a change in the Taliban's behaviour, there has been no favourable response to the appeals from the group's adversaries to intensify pressure on them. The US Special Representative for Afghanistan has repeatedly highlighted the Taliban's accomplishments in combatting ISIS.

Kirby said that al-Qaeda in Afghanistan has been significantly weakened, and there are no indications of its resurgence in the country.

He added that the United States is monitoring all terrorist groups in Afghanistan.

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