Taliban’s Academy of Sciences Asks For Inclusion of Penal Laws in Education Curriculum

Monday, 11/20/2023

The Academy of Sciences, controlled by the Taliban, asked the Ministry of Education and Higher Education of the group, to include "hudud [penal laws] of and qisas [retribution] education" in the schools and universities programme.

It also asked the Taliban to implement Islamic Sharia against the people whom the group calls "rebels".

On Sunday, Bakhtar News Agency which is controlled by the Taliban, reported that the sciences academy of the group hosted a programme about "the implementation of hudud and qisas and its role in providing security”.

The participants of the programme have issued a resolution which states that "hudud and qisas should be implemented in public for the admonition of as many people as possible".

Following the takeover of power in August 2021, the Taliban have publicly flogged many people on various charges. The group is accused of using "double standards" against its own people and other citizens.

The Taliban has also been accused of not adhering to principles of a fair trial in the arrest and trial of individuals.

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