Vienna Participants Forge Roadmap For Transition To Alternative Plan

Tuesday, 12/05/2023

Fazal Ahmad Manawi, a senior member of the National Resistance Front (NRF), announced that an agreement has been reached and a "roadmap” has been created to address the Afghan crisis and help it transition to an alternative plan.

On the third day of the Vienna meeting, Manawi expressed optimism and considered the plan a source of hope.

On Tuesday, on his X social media platform, he congratulated the people of Afghanistan on reaching the agreement during the third day of the Vienna meeting.

Previously, he had stated that the third meeting of opponents of the Taliban, held in Vienna, Austria, is another opportunity for leading anti-Taliban figures to exchange views.

The "Vienna Meeting for a Democratic Afghanistan" began on Sunday, October 3, and ended on Tuesday.

At the meeting, leaders and representatives from 29 Afghan political parties and groups were in attendance. Additionally, representatives of several Western countries, including diplomats from the United States, the United Kingdom, Austria, Germany, Spain, and Norway have also participated in the meet. An adviser from the Islamic Republic of Iran's Embassy in Vienna was also present.

Since the Taliban’s takeover of power in Afghanistan, this is the third meeting of Taliban’s opponents in Vienna.

Charting a "roadmap" for discussing the future of Afghanistan was one of the main goals of the meeting.

Zakir Hussain Ershad, political activist and leader of Afghanistan Citizen Party, told Afghanistan International on Tuesday that these meetings are a platform for reaching consensus.

He stated that there have been serious discussions about the roadmap at the Vienna meeting. “There were differences of opinion, but after discussions and investigations, the satisfaction of the participants has been achieved," he said.

According to Ershad, "The roadmap outlines a plan to unite all opposition factions under one umbrella”.

He said that it is natural that all groups have their priorities, but what they all agree on is that they do not want the Taliban.

Experts say that organising these meetings requires the consent of influential powers, reflecting international dissatisfaction with the current state of Afghanistan under Taliban control.

The Taliban have consistently voiced their disapproval of these gatherings. Abbas Stanikzai, the Deputy of the Taliban's Foreign Ministry, has remarked that these meetings are held to "undermine and defame" the group.

He called the meetings "illegal" and said, "You have been tested; Your time is over now."

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