Al-Qaeda Threats Resurfacing in Afghanistan, Reports SIGAR

Friday, 02/02/2024

The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) reported to the US Congress that the threats of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan are re-emerging.

In the report, SIGAR stated that the Al-Qaeda leader, who is probably in Afghanistan, called for attacks on American, European, and Israeli embassies and buildings.

This organisation presented its quarterly report to the US Congress on January 30.

In this report, SIGAR has detailed the extent of US assistance to Afghanistan following the Taliban's takeover. The report also covers the economic situation and human rights in Afghanistan under Taliban control.

As per the report, following the war between Israel and Hamas, the leader of Al-Qaeda, who is believed to be based in Afghanistan, released three press statements in which he called for attacks on American, European and Israeli embassies and buildings.

According to this report, a UN sanctions monitoring team previously reported that the relationship between Al-Qaeda and the Taliban is close and that the Taliban supports the group.

In its report, SIGAR also mentioned that ISIS attacks on Hazara and Shia communities in Afghanistan have increased. It also added that the terrorist threats in Afghanistan have continued in this quarter, while the US, UN and regional countries expressed concerns regarding the Taliban’s ability and willingness of counterterrorism commitments.

Earlier, the United Nations Security Council had reported that the Taliban maintained its ties with Al-Qaeda and the terror group had established eight new training camps in Afghanistan.

According to the report, four Al-Qaeda camps have been established in Ghazni, Laghman, Parwan and Uruzgan provinces, and they have established a weapons depot in Panjshir as well.

However, Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban’s spokesperson dismissed UNSC’s report about the presence of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and called it a "regular programme" to spread accusations and rumours against the group.

Previously, even the Long War Journal had disclosed that several members of the Al-Qaeda network held prominent positions within the Taliban administration.

As per the magazine's report, individuals such as the Taliban's deputy intelligence director, the education director of the Ministry of Defence, and the governors of Kapisa and Nuristan are some of the members of Al-Qaeda actively serving in the Taliban administration.

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