Taliban Minister Discusses Activation Of New Transit Route With Kazakh Official

Monday, 02/12/2024

Nooruddin Azizi, the Taliban's Minister of Industry and Commerce, met with Alimkhan Yessengeldiyev, the Kazakh Ambassador to Kabul on Monday, seeking Kazakhstan's investment in Afghanistan's mining sector.

They also discussed activating the Turgundi-Spin Boldak transit route.

The Taliban’s Ministry of Industry and Commerce announced that the meeting and discussions between the Taliban official and the Kazakh representative on Monday covered the visit of an official delegation and the private sector from Kazakhstan to Kabul, however, didn’t provide further details on the official Kazakh delegation's visit to Kabul.

Kazakhstan has strengthened its trade relations with the Taliban over the past two years. Earlier, the President of Kazakhstan proposed a plan to establish a regional UN center in Almaty to achieve sustainable development goals in Afghanistan and Central Asia.

Additionally, the Taliban's Ministry of Commerce announced in August that the Afghan and Kazakh private sectors signed a trade agreement worth over one hundred million dollars in Astana.

In January, Kazakhstan also removed the Taliban from its list of banned organisations.

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