55th UN Human Rights Council Session Commences in Geneva

Monday, 02/26/2024

The 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council kicked off on Monday, at the Council's headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

In a key event scheduled for the session, Richard Bennett, the UN's Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Afghanistan, will present his latest findings on the human rights conditions within the country.

Nasir Ahmad Andisha, Afghanistan's Ambassador to Switzerland and Permanent Representative to the UN Human Rights Council, represents Afghanistan at this significant gathering. Ambassador Andisha has been actively sharing snapshots from the onset of the session on his X social media account, offering a glimpse into the proceedings.

Amid the session's unfolding, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres took to X to reflect on the global landscape, noting that the world is undergoing rapid changes. The intensification of conflicts is leading to unparalleled suffering, yet human rights stand as a steadfast pillar, he noted.

The council's agenda prominently features the human rights scenario in Afghanistan during its initial week, highlighting the international community's ongoing concern for the country.

In parallel, the UN Security Council is convening a dedicated session on Afghanistan in New York, reinforcing the global focus on the nation's evolving situation.

The Taliban's recent pronouncements, asserting that any regional or global decisions contrary to their interests will not be enacted, underscore the challenges facing international diplomatic and human rights efforts.

Notably, the Taliban lack formal representation within the UN and its Human Rights Council, as the United Nations does not officially recognise the group as the legitimate government of Afghanistan.

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