Taliban Describes Norway, Ireland & Spain's Recognition of Palestine As 'Positive Step'

Friday, 05/24/2024

The Taliban's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has welcomed the decision by the governments of Norway, Ireland, and Spain to officially recognise the State of Palestine.

The ministry described these actions as "positive steps" and accused Israel of "aggression against the historic territory of Palestine”.

In a statement issued on Friday, the ministry noted that while Ireland, Spain, and Norway move to recognise Palestine, Israel continues to face accusations of committing genocide as a war crime in Gaza, purportedly aiming for demographic changes in the region.

The Taliban declared the territory of Palestine as the legitimate right of the Palestinian people and condemned what it described as ongoing genocide by Israel, citing it as a cause of regional instability.

Previously, Spain, Norway, and Ireland announced that they would officially recognise the State of Palestine starting Thursday.

In a sharp response, Israel decried the move as a "reward for terrorism" and recalled its ambassadors from these three countries to Jerusalem.

The three European countries characterised their decision as an effort to expedite a ceasefire in the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza and urged other nations to adopt a similar stance. With these announcements, the number of countries recognising Palestine has now surpassed 140.

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