Meeting To Bolster Global Support For Afghan Women To Be Held At UN

Sources told Afghanistan International that a meeting to support Afghan women will be hosted by the Belgian delegation at the United Nations on Thursday.

The meeting will focus on how to increase global support for Afghan women and the necessity of including women and civil society representatives in the Doha meeting.

Two credible sources informed Afghanistan International that Afghan activists will speak with diplomats from various countries at the UN during this meeting, which will be held both in-person and virtually.

The meeting, titled "Together in Support of Afghan Women: Women's Rights Are Non-Negotiable," will invite ambassadors, special representatives for Afghanistan, human rights organisations, and media outlets.

On Tuesday, sources also reported that a "confidential" virtual meeting was held with Rosemary DiCarlo, the UN Deputy Secretary-General, along with several female activists and civil society representatives from Afghanistan. DiCarlo emphasised on the importance of satisfying Afghan women and civil society.

The third Doha meeting, chaired by Rosemary DiCarlo and attended by special representatives from various countries and a Taliban delegation, is set to take place in a few days.

The Taliban managed to change the agenda and composition of the Doha meeting, resulting in the exclusion of Afghan women and civil society representatives from the main session.
The exclusion of women and civil society from the third Doha meeting has sparked outrage among human rights defenders and dissatisfaction among powerful Western countries.