Afghan Girls Forced To Take Grade 12 Exams After Being Denied Education For A Year

Wednesday, 12/07/2022

Afghan female students of Grade 12 are going to attend an exam, on Wednesday, across Afghanistan.

The Taliban’s ministry of education announced that all subjects of 12th grade will be included in the exam.

The Taliban is conducting this countrywide one-day exam even though the group has not allowed Afghan girls in secondary and higher education to attend classes at schools for the past 15 months.

According to the ministry's statement, 140 questions from all subjects taught in 12th grade will be included in the exam, and those who pass the exam will be allowed to appear in the annual university entrance exam (Kankoor) in Afghanistan.

The Taliban has asked the students to wear proper hijab during the exam.

Female students criticised the move saying that they have been forced to take the exam without any preparation.

A number of these students have said that the Taliban have deprived them of education for more than a year and now they want to remove the girls completely from Afghan universities.

In the last one year, despite the criticism of Afghan citizens and the international community regarding the opening of the girls' school, the Taliban have not responded positively.

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