Taliban Members Obey Orders of Group’s Supreme Leader, Says Taliban Deputy FM

Saturday, 02/18/2023

Sher Abbas Stanikzai, Taliban’s deputy foreign minister, said that there is no "opposition and rebellion" among the Taliban leaders.

Stanikzai said on Friday that all Taliban members, even if they agree or disagree with the views of the Taliban supreme leader, obey his orders.

This Taliban official, who was speaking at the graduation ceremony of a religious school in Kabul, added that the unity of the Taliban has been a secret factor for the success of the group.

Stankzai said, "We have pledged allegiance to our Amir [supreme leader]. Whatever decision he makes, we consider it obligatory to obey it.”

The deputy foreign minister of the Taliban also added, "The Americans spent millions of dollars to create a rift among the Taliban members, but they did not succeed."

Recently, there are talks about differences and rifts in the leadership of the Taliban.

Earlier, Sirajuddin Haqqani, the Taliban's interior minister, had criticised the monopolisation of power in the leadership of the Taliban and said that such behaviour is unacceptable.

Mullah Yaqoob, the Taliban's defense minister, has also said that pride and arrogance should be put aside and the will of the people should be accepted.

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