Taliban Intensifies Efforts To Takeover Afghanistan’s Permanent Mission In UN

Friday, 09/08/2023

Senior Taliban officials have announced that they have intensified efforts to takeover Afghanistan's seat at the United Nations.

The UN member states are expected to discuss the fate of Afghanistan's seat in New York.

Suhail Shaheen, head of the political office of the Taliban in Qatar, said that based on the Taliban leader's order he is working for the recognition of the group.

The UN Credentials Committee is supposed to hold a meeting regarding the fate of Afghanistan's permanent representation at the UN in the near future. The committee had previously refused to hand over Afghanistan's seat in the United Nations to the Taliban.

Currently, Nasir Ahmad Faiq is the representative of the former government of Afghanistan in the United Nations.

In an interview with the Taliban-controlled Radio Television Afghanistan (RTA), Shaheen said that he has had meetings with the representatives of different countries and that the Taliban is trying to improve relations with the international community.

The head of the political office of the Taliban in Qatar did not name a specific country, but added that he had met with officials from European Union, Arab and Asian countries.

Shaheen, who is also the Taliban's candidate for the permanent mission of Afghanistan to the UN, said that during the meeting with the representatives of various countries, he discussed important issues which Afghanistan is currently facing.

Shaheen did not provide details of these talks, but the international community has repeatedly asked the Taliban to form an inclusive government and lift restrictions on Afghan women and girls.

So far, no country has recognised the Taliban.

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