Afghan Rights Activist On Hunger Strike Hospitalised Due to Deteriorating Health Condition

Thursday, 09/14/2023

Sabera Akbari, who was on a hunger strike along with Tamana Zaryab Paryani, was taken to the hospital due to her worsening health condition.

Paryani and a number of female activists have been on a hunger strike calling for the recognition of the gender apartheid in Afghanistan.

On Wednesday night, Akbari told Afghanistan International that she was taken to the hospital due to her deteriorating health condition. She added that she has been discharged from hospital.

This women's rights activist added that due to the hunger strike, the doctors told her that her heart rate had increased and she needed more care.

Sabera Akbari and Roqaya Saei said that on the 8th day they stopped their hunger strike and entered a new round of their protests against the Taliban's misogynistic actions.

Paryani and a number of human rights activists went on a 12-day hunger strike in the Cologne city of Germany from September 1. This protest, which started with the aim of recognising gender the apartheid in Afghanistan, continued until September 13.

A number of other women activists went on a hunger strike in front of the Norwegian Parliament supporting Paryani and other rights activists in Germany.

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