Taliban Forms Ulema Councils In Seven Provinces Of Afghanistan

Zabihullah Mujahid, Taliban’s spokesperson, announced that based on a decree of Hibatullah Akhundzada, the group’s leader, Ulema Councils have been formed in seven provinces.

According to the statement, these councils have been formed in Nuristan, Bamiyan, Maidan Wardak, Ghor, Sar-e-pol, Laghman and Daikundi provinces.

Mujahid announced the formation of these councils on Sunday on social media platform X.

These councils have seven to 17 members, and it appears that all members are individuals associated with religious schools and those who are aligned with the Taliban.

It seems that the Taliban leader has chosen most of the members of the council from Sunni scholars in the three Shia-dominated provinces of Bamiyan, Daikundi and Sar-e-Pol provinces.

According to the statement, Mullah Hibatullah emphasised that the councils have been tasked with giving advice to the local Taliban administrations in the provinces.

The Taliban had previously announced the establishment of such councils in several other provinces as well.

These councils are primarily composed of clerics aligned with the Taliban and are instrumental in implementing the group's strict policies at the local level.

In addition to the Ulema councils, the Taliban has established the Ministry of Propagation of Virtues and Prevention of Vice with offices in every province and district of Afghanistan.

The agents of this ministry control the appearance of Afghans in public spaces.