China Conditions Taliban’s Recognition On Addressing Global Security Concerns

Wednesday, 01/31/2024

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has declared that its recognition of the Taliban hinges on the establishment of an inclusive government and a forceful battle against terrorism in Afghanistan.

This statement came after the Taliban ambassador, Bilal Karimi, presented his credentials to China's President Xi Jinping.

Previously, the Taliban had claimed that China had acknowledged their regime, a view bolstered by Karimi's recent diplomatic interaction. However, Wang Wenbin, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, clarified that accepting diplomatic credentials is a standard procedure and does not necessarily imply formal recognition.

Wang emphasised that China would consider recognising the Taliban only after the group addresses international apprehensions and demonstrates a commitment to combating terrorism within Afghanistan.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry, in its statement, reassured its dedication to a friendly foreign policy towards the Afghan people and confirmed the ongoing diplomatic relations and cooperation with Afghanistan in various domains.

Amidst these developments, the Chinese Foreign Ministry is advocating for heightened dialogue and interaction between the Taliban and the international community.

This diplomatic development has been met with criticism from Afghan political factions. Both the National Resistance Front and the National Resistance Council for the Salvation of Afghanistan have reacted to China's symbolic diplomatic gestures as a violation of international norms. Moreover, the United States has sought clarity from China regarding its stance on Taliban recognition, particularly after the US State Department acknowledged the ambiguity of Beijing's position following the acceptance of the Taliban ambassador's credentials.

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