Afghanistan Freedom Front Claims Responsibility For Attack On Taliban Members In Kabul

Monday, 02/05/2024

The Afghanistan Freedom Front (AFF) claimed responsibility for an assault at a Taliban checkpoint in the Khoshal Khan Mina area of Kabul on Sunday.

This attack led to the death of two Taliban members and the injury of another.

In a post on the social media platform X, AFF stated that the Taliban personnel stationed at this checkpoint had been engaged in the harassment of Afghan girls.

Previously, AFF has launched attacks on Taliban checkpoints which had been accused of arbitrarily detaining women. On January 11, AFF targeted a Taliban intelligence convoy in the 500 Family area, who had allegedly been involved in the plot to apprehend girls. This operation resulted in the death of three Taliban members and injuries to two others.

AFF has declared that those affiliated with the Taliban and involved in illegal activities are considered valid targets for their actions.

Over the past several months, AFF has intensified its campaign against the Taliban, frequently targeting their bases and checkpoints, leading to multiple Taliban casualties.

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