Women’s Human Rights Defender at Risk of Torture in Taliban Detention

Saturday, 02/10/2024

Amnesty International said that Manizha Seddiqi, a women's human rights defender, is in Taliban prison without any charges and is at risk of torture and ill-treatment.

This human rights organisation once again demanded the immediate and unconditional release of Seddiqi.

Taliban detained Seddiqi on October 9, 2023 and transferred her to Pul-e-Charkhi prison in Kabul on December 5, 2023.

As per Amnesty International’s findings, she has not been charged with any offence and has been denied the right to access a lawyer or regular family visits. This organisation expressed deep concern about the risk of torture and mistreatment of Seddiqi in Taliban detention.

Since the takeover of power in August 2021, Taliban imposed severe restrictions on girls and women and have deprived them from their right to education, work, freedom of movement and social activities.

In reaction to the imposed restrictions, activists advocating for women's rights expressed their dissent through both street and indoor protests.

The Taliban, however, responded to these demonstrations with physical violence and intimidation, leading to the arrest of numerous protesting women.

Human rights organisations, based on their investigations, have reported that many women and girls are currently in Taliban custody. However, their identities remain undisclosed due to fear of the Taliban within their families.

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