Taliban-Iran Engagement Is Mutually Beneficial, Says Group’s Deputy Foreign Minister

Monday, 02/12/2024

Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Taliban, highlighted the significance of the group's relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Stanikzai articulated that both the Taliban and Iran have acknowledged the mutual benefits of engaging with each other based on a win-win approach, fostering the interests of both nations.

His comments were made during the commemoration of the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution at the Iranian embassy in Kabul on Sunday.

Stanikzai pointed out that the enhancement and broadening of ties between the Taliban and Iran across various sectors, including political, economic, cultural, and scientific domains, have been noteworthy and substantial over the last two and a half years.

Despite not officially recognising the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan, similar to other nations, the Islamic Republic of Iran has established close relations with the group, evidenced by the handing over of control of the Afghan embassy in Tehran to the Taliban.

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