Execute Suicide Attacks To Protect Regime, Says Taliban’s Deputy Intel Chief

Wednesday, 02/21/2024

Tajmir Jawad, the Deputy Director of the Taliban's Intelligence Service, told the group's suicide bombers in the Zherai district of Kandahar province, that suicide attacks would be executed to protect and defend the Taliban regime if necessary.

Several sources close to the Taliban told Abdulhaq Omari, a journalist for the Pashto section of Afghanistan International, that Tajmir Jawad had met with suicide attackers on February 18.

The sources said that the group’s suicide attackers reside at the house of Mullah Mohammad Omar, the founder of the Taliban, in Zherai district of Kandahar.

During the meeting with the suicide attackers, Jawad referred to Mullah Mohammad Omar's house, and said, "In this humble mud house, the Islamic movement of the Taliban was founded, and once again, the opportunity to establish an Islamic regime has been obtained."

The Taliban's intelligence deputy told the suicide attackers that their comrades have supported the Afghan Taliban movement with their blood and that they will protect this regime, which has been achieved through "jihad" and struggle, with their own blood”.

He also stated, "We were and are suicide bombers, and whenever necessary, you and I will be the first to carry out suicide [martyrdom] operations to protect and defend this regime."

Although Mullah Hibatullah has relocated all suicide fighters to specific units of this group, sources told Afghanistan International that Tajmir Jawad also oversees the "Al-Hamza Martyrdom Battalion" in Kabul, which has been deployed to other provinces for combat, when needed.

Tajmir Jawad is a key member of the Haqqani network, previously accused by the former Afghan government of involvement in deadly attacks on civilian targets.

The Kabul University attack on November 2, 2020, which resulted in the deaths of 22 students and left more than 40 others wounded, is one of the charges against him by the former government. Although ISIS-Khorasan claimed responsibility for the attack.

This Haqqani network member is also considered the mastermind behind the attack on Kabul Bank in Nangarhar, which resulted in the deaths of dozens of civilians.

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