Exclusive: Afghan Worker Killed in Tehran, Iran, Buried in Herat

Friday, 02/23/2024

Afghanistan International's sources confirm that Elias Mohammadi, a young Afghan worker who was killed by being thrown from a bridge in Tehran, Iran, has been buried in Herat, Afghanistan, last Saturday.

A "supporter of the Islamic Republic" had thrown him off the bridge thinking he had insulted the Iranian flag.

Mohammadi's family members report that in the early hours of February 9, a member of the Basij threw Elias Mohammadi, who was cleaning the street, off the Niayesh bridge in Tehran. He lost his life due to the fall and vehicles crossing over him.

In the two weeks following the incident, the Iranian government has been silent about the killing of Mohammadi. However, Iranian social media users have launched a campaign for Mohammadi.

One of Mohammadi's relatives, who did not want to be named, told Afghanistan International that it took a week for the victim’s family to receive the body and transfer it to Herat.

According to the source, Mohammadi's body was buried on Saturday in his hometown in Obe district of Herat province.

Having arrived in Iran six years ago, Mohammadi was working at a fruit shop in Tehran's 5th district during the day. Additionally, he worked with a municipal contractor company, cleaning the streets of the Iranian capital during the night.

A colleague of Mohammadi told the Iranian media, "We were working with the municipal contractor, cleaning the walls of the overpass on the night of the accident. Unexpectedly, a car pulled up in front of us. He abruptly exited the vehicle and approached us. Without any warning, he engaged in a confrontation with our colleague (Elias) and subsequently threw him off the bridge. We rushed towards him to prevent his escape, but the assailant threatened us, warning that he would do the same to us if we followed him. He, then, fled in a car with his accomplices."

Witnesses have said that several cars passed over the body of victim, who was lying on the highway.

Iranian media said that the arrested killer is a 25-year-old young man with a bachelor's degree. According to some sources, he is a member of Basij, supporting the Islamic Republic of Iran.

He told the media, "I was passing that road when suddenly I saw the victim and his friends. I imagined that they were going to steal the flags that were raised on the side of the highway. The flags were raised on the occasion of Anniversary of the Iranian Revolution, and I thought that the victim intended to insult the flags and wanted to destroy them."

He confirmed that he had reported to the police before attacking Elias Mohammadi, however, he said, "I could not sit still, got out of the car, and after fighting with the victim, I pushed him, and he fell down and died.”

Despite announcing the identity and nationality of the victim, the Taliban and the Afghan embassy in Tehran, which is under the control of the group, have not reacted to the news.

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