US Urges UN To Develop Roadmap For Afghanistan's Integration Into International System

Friday, 02/23/2024

Thomas West, the US representative for Afghanistan, stated that his country welcomed the continuation of the Doha meetings on Afghanistan.

He added that the US is seeking a United Nations-led process to develop a roadmap for the full integration of Afghanistan into the international system.

West mentioned that the welfare of Afghans and the shared interests of the global community will guide this effort.

The US representative for Afghanistan wrote on X social media platform on Friday that there is a strong consensus on the collective benefits in Afghanistan.

West added that no country wants to see the emergence of a terrorism threat from Afghanistan and all desire the return of Afghan girls and women to schools, universities, and work.

The second Doha meeting on Afghanistan, hosted by António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, took place on February 18 and 19.

Following the meeting, the Secretary-General of the United Nations mentioned in a press conference that the situation of women in Afghanistan has worsened, the issue of combating terrorism sanctuaries remains unresolved, and an inclusive government has not been established.

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