Taliban Arrests 9 People In Kabul On Charges Of 'Moral Corruption & Gambling'

The Taliban's Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice announced that the ministry's ombudsman had arrested three people in Kabul on charges of "moral corruption" and six others on charges of "gambling".
The ministry added that these individuals were released on bail.
The Taliban's Ministry of Promotion of Virtue reported on Tuesday, January 7, that these individuals were briefly detained in the third and fifth districts of Kabul city and released on bail.
"We are committed to preventing such acts while preserving Islamic and social values," the ministry's statement said.
The Taliban's Law for the Promotion of Virtue has given extensive powers to the group's Ministry of Virtue, whose ombudsman also has the right to arrest individuals.
Human rights organisations say that the Taliban's judicial system is not standardised and that defendants do not have access to due process, including a defence lawyer.