Taliban Sends 7 Members To Tehran As Part of Takeover of Afghan Embassy

Monday, 02/27/2023

Zakir Jalali, an adviser to Taliban's foreign minister announced on Monday that seven diplomats of the group have left Kabul airport for Tehran.

Jalali said that the Taliban’s foreign ministry sent these diplomats to avoid any delay in the Afghan embassy’s activities in Tehran.

Taliban diplomats officially started their work at the Afghan embassy in Tehran on Sunday.

Meanwhile, dozens of diplomats and employees of the Afghan embassy in Tehran have stopped working in protest against the Islamic Republic's decision to hand over the embassy to the Taliban.

Also, a number of Afghan immigrants in Iran protested against the Islamic Republic's decision to accept Taliban diplomats at the Afghan embassy in Tehran.

The National Resistance Front of Afghanistan (NRF) has also criticised the decision of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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