All Afghan Voices Will Be Heard, Says UNAMA Head After Meeting Taliban’s FM

Tuesday, 09/19/2023

Roza Otunbayeva, UN Secretary General Special’s Representative in Afghanistan, met Amir Khan Muttaqi, Taliban’s foreign minister, as part of a broad consultation ahead of the UN Security Council briefing on Afghanistan next week.

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) head assured everyone that the voice of all Afghans will be heard.

The UN agency has not provided more details about this meeting.

At the same time, the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations is scheduled to be held in New York, with the participation of the leaders from more than 150 countries.

United Nations Secretary General has said that the situation of Afghan women will also be on the agenda of the general assembly meetings.

After two years of Taliban rule in Afghanistan, the group’s government has not been recognised by any country and international isolation of the group has had an impact on the humanitarian situation of the country.

With the significant decrease in humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, the World Food Programme has also announced that it will withdraw from the country if it does not receive funding. Previously, UNAMA had said that due to the sharp reduction in aid, it had to cut or reduce its aid to a large part of the needy people in Afghanistan.

However, the widespread violation of human rights in Afghanistan has raised concerns among members of the international community. The UN Security Council will discuss human rights violations of ethnic and religious minorities, the mysterious killing of the security forces of the former government, and the repression of Afghan women and girls.

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