NRF Calls UN Approach Toward Afghanistan One-Sided & Concerning

The National Resistance Front (NRF) has said that the "one-sided approach" of the United Nations and countries towards Afghanistan is a matter of concern in the absence of political forces opposing the Taliban.
The NRF asked the United Nations to give the front an opportunity to present its concerns, suggestions and practical alternatives.
In its statement, the front emphasised that not listening to the majority of the oppressed Afghan people “will doom the United Nations plan to fail from the outset.”
The statement quoted Ahmad Massoud, the leader of NRF as saying, "All voices must be heard, not just those of the Taliban which comes with threats, intolerance, and violence.”
The Front stated that while it respects the right of the United Nations to discuss ways to help Afghanistan, the future of this country can only be decided by the people of Afghanistan, regardless of their ethnicity, gender, or religion.
NRF has welcomed the refusal of the United Nations to accept the "unreasonable" conditions of the Taliban to participate in the Doha meeting.
According to the front, until a framework of a level-playing field for fair political representation from Afghanistan is established in such meetings, the outcomes will continue to be questioned by the Afghan people.
NRF said that political forces are currently working on creating such a framework.
According to the statement, considering the views of all stakeholders, and prioritising the opinions of the political forces, women and the armed opposition of the Taliban, regarding establishing an inclusive government through democratic means, improving human rights, fighting against terrorism, and ending foreign geopolitical interventions in Afghanistan is necessary.
The front added that it welcomes the appointment of the United Nations Special Envoy for Afghanistan and at the same time, it expects that the process will be closely consulted with the opposition forces of the Taliban and other stakeholders.
A meeting convened by the Secretary General of the United Nations took place in Doha on February 18 and 19, where representatives from various countries were in attendance. The Taliban declined the invitation to participate, citing disagreement with the specified conditions. However, no invitations were extended to political opponents of the Taliban for this meeting.