Sunak Administration To Consider Exemptions To Rwanda Deportation For Afghan Allies

Thursday, 04/18/2024

Sources from the British Parliament have informed The Guardian that the government is currently exploring options to exempt former Afghan allies who served alongside the UK forces in Afghanistan from the Rwanda deportation scheme.

Former members of the Afghan security forces and translators are included among these individuals.

On Tuesday, the British Parliament, for the third time, did not approve the deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda and has called for four amendments to be made. Exempting former British partners in Afghanistan is one of the amendments British representatives are advocating for.

The proposal to exempt Afghan partners from deportation to Rwanda has been put forward by Des Browne, a former British Labour Defence Secretary.

With 275 votes in favour and 218 votes against, the British Parliament has agreed to enact this amendment.

This amendment is aimed at supporting Afghans who have previously served alongside British forces in Afghanistan and have subsequently entered UK through illegal means following the Taliban's takeover of power.

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