Taliban Flogs Individual In Paktika For Using Drugs

The Taliban’s Supreme Court announced on Tuesday, that an individual has been flogged in Paktika province on charges of "moral corruption" and drug use.
The Taliban punished this individual with 21 lashes.
According to the Taliban’s Supreme Court's press release, this individual was punished on Monday in the Urgun district of Paktika province.
According to this press release, the court of Urgun carried out this sentence after it was confirmed by the Taliban’s Supreme Court.
The Taliban have not provided details about the accused individual.
Yesterday, Taliban officials in Ghor province reported the execution of flogging sentences on eight individuals, including one woman.
Human rights organisations have called on the Taliban to stop these brutal corporal punishments. These organisations state that detainees under the Taliban regime do not have access to fair trial procedures. In response, the Taliban have said they will continue to implement "Islamic Sharia”.