Ex-Minister Warns of Northern Afghanistan Becoming 'Another Gaza' Due to TTP Settlement

Tuesday, 11/28/2023

ashir Ahmad Tayenj, who served as the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs in Afghanistan's previous government, voiced his concerns regarding the settlement of Pakistani Taliban (TTP) and other migrants in northern Afghanistan.

His comments came during the second day of the Herat Security Dialogue.

Tayenj warned that the relocation of Tareek-e-Taliban (TTP) members into the northern provinces could transform these areas into a situation akin to Gaza. Speaking on Tuesday, the former minister stressed the peril this policy poses to all Afghan citizens.

He urged the Afghan population to stand against the settlement of the Pakistani Taliban in their northern regions.

The Herat Security Dialogue, a two-day event, was organised by the Afghan Institute of Strategic Studies and held in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan.

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