Taliban Flog 8 People For "Assault and Dishonour" In Herat

Thursday, 02/29/2024

The Taliban's Supreme Court announced that, based on the decision of the group's military court in Herat, eight individuals were punished for "assault and dishonour" at the court's premises.

The statement elaborated that these individuals were sentenced to five months of suspended imprisonment and 20 lashes.

The Taliban's Supreme Court statement did not provide further details about the charges against these individuals.

This sentence was issued by a Taliban military court in Herat, but it is unclear whether the accused were members of the Taliban group.

Previously, the Taliban's military court in Herat had sentenced a poet named Khaled Qaderi to one year in prison.

Since the Taliban's return to power in Afghanistan, physical punishments such as flogging, amputation, and execution have been reinstated in the country.

Human rights advocates and the international community have called on the Taliban to stop inhumane and cruel physical punishments that violate human dignity. However, Taliban officials have stated that they are implementing Islamic Sharia and that these organisations and countries should not interfere in Afghanistan's internal affairs.

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