Former Afghan VP Claims Anti-Taliban Special Unit Was Behind Helicopter Crash In Balkh

Monday, 05/22/2023

Former Afghan vice-president Amrullah Saleh announced that a special technical unit was behind the crash of the Taliban helicopter in Samangan province.

According to Saleh, the crash was “a blessed achievement by skilful and technical facilitation of the special unit”.

However, Saleh did not elaborate if the special unit behind the crash is associated with the National Resistance Front or any other anti-Taliban factions.

Saleh said on Twitter that the Afghan officers had taken an oath by placing their hands on the Quran that they would not betray the country and would remain faithful in protecting the laws and the government’s rule.

The former vice-president asked the air force officers who are in the service of the Taliban to stop their "betrayal" towards Afghanistan.

The Taliban’s Ministry of Defence said on Sunday that an MD-530 helicopter, which was flying from Mazar-e-Sharif Airport to Samangan province, collided with a power line and crashed in the Khulm district of Balkh province.

According to the Taliban Ministry of Defence, the pilot of the helicopter was killed in this incident.

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