Hold Doha Meeting to End Taliban Regime, Urges Afghan Women's Network

Tuesday, 02/06/2024

The Afghanistan Women's Political Network, in anticipation of the upcoming Doha meeting, has called for establishing a democratic and republican system reflecting the people's will.

The network asserts that the United Nations should convene the Doha meeting with the aim of dismantling the Taliban government.

This call comes as the second United Nations meeting on Afghanistan in Doha, Qatar, is set to occur in less than two weeks. The Afghanistan Women's Political Network, a prominent women's protest movement, has issued a statement highlighting the necessity of focusing on the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan during the meeting.

Since the Taliban regained power, the network's statement notes that over 52 written and numerous oral decrees have been issued against Afghan women. The network stresses that women and girls in Afghanistan have been stripped of all their rights.

The network's expectations from the Doha meeting include ensuring the safety of women and girls, enhancing education and health, promoting gender equality, and strengthening civil society institutions in Afghanistan.

To realize these goals, the Afghanistan Women's Political Network calls for increased international pressure on the Taliban and urges the global community to withdraw economic support from the regime.

Previously, Afghan women activists sent an open letter to the United Nations, requesting the inclusion of women's representatives in the Doha meeting. The meeting, hosted by the UN, will see the participation of special representatives from countries with envoys in Afghanistan. The Taliban have been invited to the meeting, but they will decide on their participation after further information on the meeting's agenda and attendees.

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